Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense is used for :

1. Declaring an act that has become a habit (Habitual Action)

• I go to school Every day
• She studies English twice a week.
• I go to church on Sundays

2. To declare an event that has been declared a public or general truth (General Truth).

• The water is white
• The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west.
• The earth revolves round the sun.

3. Stating that the activities already planned and scheduled, on time will come.

• Classes begin next week.
• The football team plays in Bangkok next week.
• The trainleaves in ten minutes. Do hurry up, din!

Pattern :

(+) S + VerbI (s/es) + O
(-) S + Do Not/ Does Not + VerbI + O
(?) Do/Does + S + Verb1 + O

Do à Subject : I / You / We / They
Does à Subject : She /He/It

Examples :
+ He goes to campus every morning
- He does not go to campus every morning
? Does he go to campus every morning?
+ They study English every week
- They do not study English every week
? Do they study English every week?

We use the simple present tense when:

• The action is general
• The action happens all the time, or habitually, in the past, present and future
• The action is not only happening now
• The statement is always true

Use Verbs Simple Present Tense In:

a. Ending vowel (vocal): -o and consonant (a consonant): -x, -ss, -sh, -ch , then added with -es.

Go => goes
Fix => fixes
Pass => passes

b. Ends with -y, preceded by the letter die, replaced by -i, then plus-es.

Fly => flies
Cry => cries

c. if in the end by the letter -y in vowels preceded it in just add -s.

Pay => pays
Play => plays

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